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March 18, 2024

The Presbyterian Historical Society is pleased to award four Research Fellowship grants for 2024.

Luca Azuma, Ph.D. student at University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill, N.C.); Dr. Elesha Coffman, Associate Professor of History at Baylor University (Waco, Texas); Dr. Emily Conroy-Krutz,...

April 22, 2021

--by James Jullapong Sintumat

Working or growing up in the world of the Church of Christ in Thailand (CCT), it is inevitable that at some point one will hear about missionaries. McGilvary, Bradley, Briggs, and McKean all ring a bell, but most people are unfamiliar with the names of Cort, O’Brien, Gillies, etc. I myself had never heard of “Doctor Cort'' until I began working at the Doctor Prince Museum at McCormick Hospital, Chiang Mai. The opportunity to read his and his wife'...

February 14, 2020
Cover of 2019 book by Marcus Paul. Click here for book information.

--by Marcus Paul

Traveling 4,000 miles to read a particular document is a fairly serious undertaking in terms of time and money. In my case, to say it was worth it is an understatement.

I had arrived at Lombard Street, Philadelphia from the UK in a very cold April. The city was bare of...

October 25, 2019

--by Deanna Ferree Womack

Church archives can be treasure troves for research on missions and Christianity around the globe. I found this to be true when working on my first book, Protestants, Gender and the Arab Renaissance in Late Ottoman Syria.

Missionary Treasure Troves

The “treasures” that I sought when researching Protestantism in...

September 26, 2019
Gayraud S. Wilmore, Jr., 1960. [Pearl ID: 5065]

--by Douglas H. Brown Clark

A New Black Presbyterian Church

One spring day in 1937, a few white Presbyterians approached two black community leaders on a street corner in North Philadelphia. The white Presbyterians’ local church had been dwindling. African Americans had been moving into the community from the American South in droves as a part of the Great Migration, and...

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