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News, events, updates, and tidbits from the Presbyterian Historical Society. Use tags to read related articles or sort by author for similar posts written by PHS staff members and volunteers.

April 25, 2024

On Tuesday, March 29, in the late afternoon, a very exciting shipment arrived at the PHS building on Lombard Street: 64 boxes of records of More Light Presbyterians (MLP) records.

Several of our staff assisted Records Archivist David Staniunas in getting the five-dozen boxes of archival materials into the building. At the request of More Light Presbyterians leadership and with the enthusiastic support of the records’ original donor, Jim Anderson, the records made their way to the Presbyterian Historical Society from Rutgers University Special Collections and University Archives...

February 5, 2024

Each month, the Presbyterian Historical Society is diving deep into the archives and sharing stories from the family and personal papers in our collections. This month, we’re highlighting the Florence Helen Ray Boyes Papers.


After visiting Kennedy Memorial Hospital in 1950, Dr. Paul S. Rhoads, working under the Board of Foreign Missions of the PCUSA, typed up a descriptive account of all he’d witnessed. The report is full of...

December 6, 2023

PHS is happy to announce that three oral history interviews with Stated Clerk Emeritus Cliff Kirkpatrick are now live and available for viewing in Pearl.

Clifton Kirkpatrick was elected as Stated Clerk of the PC(USA)’s General Assembly in 1996. At the end of his term of service in 2008, he was elected as Stated Clerk Emeritus. Prior to his becoming Stated Clerk, he served for fifteen years as the...

August 1, 2023

Bruce Klunder (July 12, 1937-April 7, 1964) became aware of the civil rights movement when he was 18 years old. At the young age of 26, he lost his life fighting for that same cause.

The Reverend Bruce Klunder died protesting the construction of a segregated school in Cleveland, Ohio, in April of 1964. During the protest, several other activists used their bodies as blockades, throwing themselves on the ground to block a bulldozer’s path. As the driver backed away from them, he drove over Klunder, who had laid down behind the machine. Klunder’s death was ultimately ruled...

April 4, 2023

In February, PHS welcomed BKBB Archives Intern Matty Marrow. Read the interview below to hear about Matty's experience at the Presbyterian Historical Society and click here for their full reflection.

What initially interested you in an internship at the Presbyterian Historical Society?
M: I was initially interested because I grew...

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