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July 24, 2024
The Fundamentals: A Testimony, "Compliments of Two Christian Laymen," n.d. Image No. 4656.

By Kazimierz Bem [1]


Thanks to excellent research by Bradley Longfield (and others) the Fundamentalist-Modernist struggle among the Presbyterians is well known. In contrast, the Congregationalists are often portrayed as the more liberal, modernist sister...

July 22, 2024
Tucson Indian Training School students ready to leave for a basketball game off campus, Spring 1937. Pearl ID: islandora:362723

--by Elaine Shilstut, Nick Skaggs, and Allison Davis

In 1906, an 8-year-old Akimel O'odham (Pima) student named Annie Moore enrolled at the Tucson Indian Training School. “We were not allowed to speak the Pima tongue at school,” Moore would recall almost 70 years later...

July 12, 2024
1,050 University of Wisconsin undergraduates assembled in the First Congregational church here attending a twice-weekly lecture on political science. The rapid influx of college students this fall, most of them veterans taking advantage of the federal education benefits, has crowded the usual college classrooms, 1946. [Pearl ID: islandora:360547.]

The Presbyterian Historical Society is excited to share some digitization highlights as part of the Religious News...

July 10, 2024
One of the early mission schools, Smithfield, Utah; image from Home Mission Monthly, October 1907 edition [Pearl ID:5512].

The history of denominational mission schools is lengthy and has legs in each U.S. state and in countries across the world — so perhaps it comes as no surprise that before there were Presbyterian churches in Utah, there were Presbyterian...

June 29, 2024
202nd General Assembly, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 1990. [Pearl ID: 6135]

This year, the PC(USA) General Assembly gathering is making its way west — the destination? Salt Lake City. This isn’t the first time the denominational meeting has crowded the streets of Salt Lake, though. Back in 1990, swaths of denim-clad congregants swarmed the beautiful, mountain-rimmed city, and,...

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