1730: Lower Providence Presbyterian Church, Norristown, PA | Presbyterian Historical Society

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1730: Lower Providence Presbyterian Church, Norristown, PA

March 17, 2015
Lower Providence Presbyterian Church, Norristown, PA, undated.

Lower Providence Presbyterian Church was founded in 1730 by a Scots-Irish Presbyterian Congregation.

They built a log church on the highest hill in Providence Township later known as Mount Kirk (Kirk-Scottish for church). As the church family grew, larger buildings were built in 1775, 1846 and the current sanctuary in 1868.  The Narthex, balcony and belfry were added in 1878.  The church continued to expand with the additions of Sunday School rooms in 1913.  Since then Williams Hall-1951, Rowland Parlor, the library, the Fireside Room, the gym and a second floor of Sunday School rooms have been added-1964.  LPPC has become a significant gathering place for fellowship of church members and for the community.

God’s blessings are truly evident as we continue to grow.  Newer additions are an elevator and new steeple, air conditioned sanctuary and a renovated kitchen.  Most recently added: renovated Sunday School rooms, bathrooms, offices, new signage and a large multi-purpose Atrium with a grand staircase leading to the sanctuary-2010.  LPPC is grounded by our large church cemetery steeped in historical ancestry and still used today.  Most recently we have gone high tech with vast additions and improvements to our audio visual offerings and updates to the sanctuary.

The roots of LPPC go back to Old Norriton Presbyterian Church, the earliest settlers being Holland Dutch.  Settlers began to bury their dead in the grounds of Norriton in 1678.  The log meeting house was first built in 1689 or 1698.  By 1710 the Dutch were pretty well crowded out by the English speaking newcomers.

We are a Bible-based church that supports our congregation through worship, fellowship, teaching and nurturing all centered on our Lord Jesus Christ. We celebrate our journey with Christ and commitment to serving Him, as we believe God will continue to bless this church with a congregation that is energized, fully engaged and growing.

Our ministries are many from children and youth fellowship (FROGS-Fully rely on God), Junior High and Senior High fellowships with many mission activities and trips, confirmation class, Adult Fellowship-young adult, Women’s Circles, Golden Age, LPPC Retirees, Presbyterian Seniors and a variety of Sunday School classes for all ages. The music program is a major emphasis in enriching our worship experience.  The Sunshine Gang for children 4 through 2nd grade, Young Presbyterians for children 2nd through 6th grade, Youth Choir for children 5th through 8th grade.  Chancel Choir is 9th grade through adult.  There are the Hilltop and Sonrise Ringers, Youth hand chimes, musicals, plays and concerts round out the choices.

We also have a preschool with a variety of services weekly through June of each year.  And a vacation bible school for one week in the summer for members and non-members alike.

We are a very friendly congregation sharing the love of Jesus Christ with each other.  LPPC is a vital and dynamic church, desirous of growing and serving our community. With never ending faith in the Lord, LPPC encourages members to achieve their full potential.  With the Holy Spirit ever present, LPPC will change lives and positively impact the world.

Resources:  Various documents and letters from LPPC archives.


This brief history was recently updated as a part of the Presbytery of Philadelphia’s 300th Anniversary Year of Celebration and Witness.  The story of the congregations throughout the Presbytery were revised to remind us of our past even as we live into the present and move towards God’s promised future. Read more about the 300th Anniversary: www.presbyphl.org/300th-Anniversary.