Minister/Missionary Biographical Research Service
This fee-based service provides limited biographical information on some, but not all, Presbyterian ministers and missionaries. We will search our catalogs and indexes and deliver reproductions of information from published reference sources and/or personnel or biographical files we hold.
We charge a fee of $20 per name for this service. PC(USA) congregations receive a discounted rate of $15 per name. The fee is for conducting the research and applies whether or not we find information about an individual in our holdings. Payment is required in advance. Once you submit the webform below, an invoice will be emailed to you within 2 to 3 business days. Please allow four to six weeks to fulfill your request. There are no refunds if we do not find information in our records.
Limits on our staff's time prevent us from doing in-depth research. Most of the sources we search provide only the places and dates of birth and death, the college/seminary attended, and places and dates of service as a minister or missionary. Many sources do not name the individual's parents, spouse, or children. We will refer you to independent researchers who can do a more thorough search of our collections for a fee. Before initiating a request, you may want to look for biographical resources at libraries in your area. Please see our Bibliography of Ministerial Resources for a list of useful books on ministers. Some of these resources might also be available freely online.
Copyright Restrictions
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. All responsibility for copyright infringement, questions arising from copyright, and the use of the copies provided is assumed by the person using the Biographical Research Service.