Genealogy Record Search | Presbyterian Historical Society

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Genealogy Record Search

The Presbyterian Historical Society offers a Genealogy Record Search for a fee.  Use the webform below to make a request. For more information, please see our Genealogy FAQ.

If you are looking for a record of your own baptism, marriage, or membership, please use our free Attestation Service.

Please limit your request to the records of one congregation and one individual name. We charge a fee of $30.00 for each congregation/name requested for up to one hour of research (no split hours). Additional names will incur an additional $30 fee. The fee includes up to 10 photocopies or 10 digital images (PDF or JPG format) per request. Payment is required in advance. Once you submit the webform below, an invoice will be emailed to you within 2 to 3 business days. Requests are fulfilled in the order received and our turnaround time is dependent on staff availability. Please allow up to eight weeks to fulfill each request. Multiple requests submitted at one time will require additional time to complete. There are no refunds if we do not find information in our records.

Access and Copyright Restrictions
The Presbyterian Historical Society may not always be able to provide you with copies of the records you request due to access restrictions. It is the policy of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to restrict access to all official records on deposit at the Presbyterian Historical Society that are less than 50 years old. If we are unable to provide a copy of the record, we will provide an exact transcription of the information as it appears in the church records.

The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. All responsibility for copyright infringement, questions arising from copyright, and the use of the copies provided is assumed by the person using the Genealogy Research Service.

A Note About Cemetery Records
The Presbyterian Historical Society has very few collections of cemetery or burial records. By the mid-nineteenth century, many church burial grounds were maintained by private cemetery associations whose activities were rarely documented as part of the church record. As a result, these types of collections are usually deposited at other archival repositories.

Before submitting a request, please search CALVIN or contact the reference staff to confirm the society holds records of the congregation you are researching. There are no refunds if we do not find information in our records.

Congregation information
Please provide information about ONE congregation the individual was associated with in this section.
Individual's information
Please provide information about ONE individual you are researching in this section. Please be as specific as possible.
Select the categories of record you would like us to search.
Your contact information
Please enter your contact information in this section. If you are requesting materials to be mailed to you, please provide your mailing address.
If you are from outside the U.S., please select "Other Country" from the list.
By selecting "YES," I agree to pay the non-refundable fee and to honor all copyright restrictions. Also, I understand that the information supplied to me may not be all that is available.