Box | Folder | Description | Alternative Formats |
| | | |
1 | 1 | Finding Aid to Record Group 111 | |
| 2 | Corres. 1950-1960 (Including Historical Data compiled from G.A., Minutes and other sources; clippings from newspapers and periodicals; A Prelude to Organized Missions, Selected Source Materials, 1607-1802" by Dimmitt) | |
| 3 | Corres. 1951-1959 (Including data compiled from General Assembly Minutes and other sources; clippings; A Brief Historical Background of Interboard Commission) | |
| 4 | History of Presbyterian Church - Important Dates | |
| 5 | United Presbyterian Church of North America | |
| 6 | General Assembly of 1802 | |
| 7 | Standing Committee of Missions 1802 | |
| 8-9 | Board of Home Missions | |
| 10 | Woman’s Work | |
| 11 | Board of Church Erection | |
| 12 | Board of National Missions | |
| 13 | Missionaries and Churches - Statistical Data 1700-1957 | |
| 14 | Early Missionary Efforts; Financial Development-Board of Home Missions; Sustentation and Self-Support; Comity and Interdenominational Relationships | |
| 15 | Histories of Departments of Board of N.M. - Audio- Visual Aids | |
| 16 | Building Aid | |
| 17 | City & Industrial Work: Health & Welfare Association; Institutional Chaplains; Neighborhood Houses; Baird Ml. Mission; Caspian Community House; Community Centers; Labor Temple | Digital |
| 18 | Educational & Medical Work | |
| 19 | Evangelism | |
| 20 | Intermountain Work (Mormon) | |
| 21 | Jarvie Commonweal Service | |
| 22 | Jewish Evangelization | |
| 23 | Lumber Camps | |
| 24 | Migrant Work | |
| 25 | Missionary Personnel | |
| 26 | Missionary Support | |
| 27 | Negro Work | |
| 28 | New Church Development | |
| 29 | Oriental Work | |
| 30 | Religious Broadcasting | |
| 31 | Rural Work | |
| 32 | Spanish - speaking Work | |
| 33 | Sunday School Missions | |
| 34 | Treasury | |
| 35 | West Indies | |
| 36 | Young People | |
| 37 | Depts. - Expenditures | |
| 38 | Canal Zone | |
| | | |
2 | 1 | Presbyterian Committee of Missions for Freedmen: Letters to Mission Personnel, 1895; Reminiscences of a Missionary Teacher | |
| 2 | Sesquicentennial of Presbyterian National Missions, 1952 - Publicity Materials: Leaflets, Programs, Scripts for Pageants, Minutes of Anniversary Committee; Criticisms of Sesquicentennial Film | |
| 3-7 | Lists of Missionary Personnel 1888-1960 | |
| 8 | Report on Theological Education 1943 | |
| 9 | Survey of Presbyterian Theological Education 1957; Bloomfield Theological Seminary | |
| 10 | Dubuque Theological Seminary | |
| 11 | Johnson C, Smith Theological Seminary | |
| 12 | Lincoln University Theological Seminary | |
| 13 | Louisville Theological Seminary | |
| 14 | McCormick Theological Seminary | |
| 15 | Princeton Theological Seminary | |
| 16 | San Francisco Theological Seminary | |
| 17 | Survey of Presbyterian Theological Education - Corres. 1957 | |
| 18 | Survey of Presbyterian Theological Education - Report of Committee – Morse's mss. 1957 | |
| 19 | Survey of Presbyterian Theological Education - Report of Curriculum Survey Committee of Council on Theological Education 1957 | |
| 20 | Survey of Seven Theological Libraries of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. 1957 | |
| 21 | Seminary Graduate Study 1957 | |
| 22 | Survey of Presbyterian Theological Education - Reports of Committee 1957 | |
| 23 | Survey of Presbyterian Theological Education - Summaries: Descriptive Data; Needs - 1957 | |
| | | |
3 | 1 | Synods: Chronological and Alphabetical Lists | |
| 2 | Synods and their Presbyteries - Historical Data - Arizona Synod | |
| 3 | Arkansas | |
| 4 | Atlantic | |
| 5 | Baltimore | |
| 6 | California | |
| 7 | Canadian | |
| 8 | Carolinas | |
| 9 | Catawba | |
| 10 | Colorado | |
| 11 | Florida | |
| 12 | Idaho | |
| 13 | Illinois | |
| 14 | Indiana | |
| 15 | Iowa | |
| 16 | Kansas | |
| 17 | Kentucky | |
| 18 | Louisiana | |
| 19 | Michigan | |
| 20 | Mid-South | |
| 23 | Montana | |
| 24 | Nebraska | |
| 25 | New England | |
| 26 | New Jersey | |
| 27 | New Mexico | |
| 28 | New York | |
| 29 | North Dakota | |
| 30 | Ohio | |
| 31 | Oregon | |
| 32 | Pennsylvania | |
| 33 | South Dakota | |
| 34 | Tennessee | |
| 35 | Texas | |
| 36 | Virginia | |
| 37 | Washington | |
| 38 | Synod of the West (German) | |
| 39 | West Virginia | |
| 40 | Wisconsin | |
| 41 | Wyoming | |
| 42 | Cumberland Mountain Presbytery | |
| 43 | Welsh Calvinists | |
| 44 | Aided Churches (by Dept.) | |
| 45 | Aided Churches (by Synod and Presbytery) | |
| 46 | Synod and Presbytery Histories - Summary | |
| 47 | Synods and Presbyteries, UPCNA: Organization Dates; Bd. of Home Missions, Mountain Work | |
| 48 | Churches: Organization Dates and Membership Data (By Synod and Presbytery) | |
| 49 | Churches: Corres. re Organization Dates - Synods Atlantic-New England | |
| 50 | Churches: Corres. re Organization Dates - Synods New York-West Virginia | |
| 51 | Churches First Listed in G.A. Minutes 1847-1848 | |
| 52 | Missionaries 1800-1820: Alphabetical List with Year, Location, and Period of Service | |
| 53 | War-time Service and Restoration 1941-1949 | |
| | | |
4 | 1 | Histories of Churches: Organization Dates; Minority Groups; Sectional Studies | |
| 2 | Histories of Churches: Corres., Clippings, Booklets (By Synod and Presbytery) - Arizona-California | |
| 3 | Colorado-New Jersey | |
| 4 | New Mexico-Pennsylvania (Philadelphia Presbytery) | |
| 5 | Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh Presbytery)-Wisconsin | |
| 6 | HEW History: Organization; Reports of Board of N.M.; Clippings; Letters, 1907; Corres. 1926, 1927, 1966; Names and Biog. Data - Graduates of N.M. Schools 1896-1966 | |
| 7 | HEW History: Work among Immigrants; Ellis Island: Printed Materials; Letters; Reports 1895-1908 | |
| 8 | HEW History: 125 Years of Presbyterian Missions in America - 1927 | |
| 9 | HEW History - Work among Orientals: Ming Quong Home 1915-1958 | |
| 10 | HEW History - Work among Mormons: Scholarships, Tuition; Utah Statehood - Printed Materials and Corres. 1893-1931 | |
| 11 | HEW History - Work among Mormons - Salt Lake, Collegiate Institute | |
| 12 | HEW History - Work among Mormons - Logan, Utah New Jersey Academy | |
| 13 | HEW History - Work among Mormons - Mormonism: Printed Materials and Typewritten Narratives | |
| 14 | HEW - Work among Mormons - Mission Stations: Letters & Excepts from Letters 1893-1935 | |