Box | | Description | Alternative Formats |
| | | |
| | SERIES I: 94 0531e, circa 1930s-1970s | |
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94 0531e-1 | | Israel, Palestinian Arabs, Pope Pius XII and the Vatican, circa 1930s-1970s | |
94 0531e-2 | | Second Vatican Council and Vatican foreign relations, circa 1960s-1970s | |
94 0531e-3 | | Israel, Second Vatican Council and Vatican-American relations, circa 1940s-1970s | |
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| | SERIES II: RT 1045, circa 1930s-1960s | |
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RT 1045-1 | | Africa, Catholics - Africa, South, circa 1940s-1950s | |
RT 1045-2 | | Africa, Protestants - Belgium, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-3 | | Barren, Archbishop Josef - Bombing of cities, Protestant attitude, circa 1930s-1960s | |
RT 1045-4 | | Bombing of cities, Rome - Canada, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-5 | | Canada, Catholics - Chaplaincy, Army and Navy, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-6 | | Chaplaincy, Army and Navy - Christian Front, circa 1930s-1940s | |
RT 1045-7 | | Christian Front - Civil liberties, circa 1930s-1940s | |
RT 1045-8 | | Civil liberties - Communism, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-9 | | Communism, Catholic attitude - Coughlin, Charles E., circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-10 | | Council Against Intolerance - Denmark, circa 1930s-1940s | |
RT 1045-11 | | Discrimination, Catholic - Discrimination in employment, racial and religious, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1045-12 | | Discrimination, racial and religious - Education, secular (religion in), circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-13 | | Education, secular (religion in) - England, Anglican Church, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-14 | | England, Anglican Church - Europe, churches, circa 1940s | |
RT 1045-15 | | Europe, general - Fair Employment Practice Committee (FEPC), circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-16 | | Family - Federal Council of Churches, circa 1930s-1940s | |
RT 1045-17 | | Federal Council of Churches - France, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-18 | | France - France, Protestants, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-19 | | Gambling - Germany, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-20 | | Germany, Catholics - Germany, Evangelical Church of Germany, circa 1940s-1950s | |
RT 1045-21 | | Germany, foreign relations - Greece, general, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-22 | | Greece, Orthodox Church - Human relations, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-23 | | Hungary - Illinois, Protestant, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-24 | | Illinois, Protestants - Inter-faith cooperation, circa 1940s-1950s | |
RT 1045-25 | | Inter-faith cooperation - Inter-faith cooperation, U.S.A., circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-26 | | International church relations - Israel, Rabbi Edward L., circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-27 | | Italy - Japan, missions, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-28 | | Japan, Protestant - Korea, Protestant, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-29 | | Ku Klux Klan - Legislation, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-30 | | Legislation - Lindbergh, Charles A., circa 1930s-1940s | |
RT 1045-31 | | Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia - Michigan, Protestant, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-32 | | Military training - Missions, foreign, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-33 | | Missions, foreign (Catholic) - Motion pictures, Protestant, circa 1940s-1950s | |
RT 1045-34 | | Motion pictures, religious - National Conference of Christians and Jews, Brotherhood Week (and Day), circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-35 | | National Conference of Christians and Jews Brotherhood Week (and Day) - Negroes, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-36 | | Negroes - New York State, Protestants, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-37 | | New York State, Protestants - Norway, Protestants, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-38 | | O'Connell, William Cardinal - Oxnam, G. Bromley, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-39 | | Oxnam, G. Bromley - Palestine, Anglo-American relations, circa 1930s-1940s | |
RT 1045-40 | | Pennsylvania - Poland, Catholic, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-41 | | Poland, Catholic - Politics, religion in, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-42 | | Protestant denominations (P.D.), American Lutheran Church - Protestant denominations (P.D.), Congregational, circa 1940s-1950s | |
RT 1045-43 | | Protestant denominations (P.D.), Congregational (including Congregational Christians) - Protestant denominations (P.D.), Methodist, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-44 | | Protestant denominations (P.D.), Methodist - Protestant denominations (P.D.), Methodist, circa 1940s-1950s | |
RT 1045-45 | | Protestant denominations (P.D.), Methodist - Protestant denominations (P.D.), Presbyterian Church U.S.A. (Northern), circa 1930s-1940s | |
RT 1045-46 | | Protestant denominations (P.D.), Presbyterian Church U.S. (Southern) - Protestant denominations (P.D.), Protestant Episcopal, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-47 | | Protestant denominations (P.D.), Quakers - Post-war reconstruction, Catholic, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-48 | | Post-war reconstruction, education - Press, circa 1940s-1950s | |
RT 1045-49 | | Press, Catholic - Protestant unity, U.S.A., circa 1930s-1940s | |
RT 1045-50 | | Protestant unity, U.S.A. - Ramsey, Dr. Arthur M., circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1045-51 | | Rationing - Relief, Protestant, circa 1940s-1950s | |
RT 1045-52 | | Relief, Protestant - Rural church, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-52 | | Religious News Service 10th anniversary booklet | Digital |
RT 1045-53 | | Rural church, Protestant - Russia, Orthodox, circa 1930s-1960s | |
RT 1045-54 | | Russia, Orthodox – Scotland, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-55 | | Scotland, Church of Scotland - Social action, Protestant, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-56 | | Social welfare, Catholic - Spellman, Francis Cardinal, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-57 | | Spellman, Francis Cardinal - Sweden, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-58 | | Switzerland - Totalitarianism, Catholic Church on, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-59 | | Truman, Harry S - Vatican, foreign relations, circa 1940s | |
RT 1045-60 | | Vatican, foreign relations - Virginia, Protestant, circa 1930s-1960s | |
RT 1045-61 | | Visser 'T Hooft, W.A. - War, Protestant attitude (Methodist Church), circa | |
1930s-1940s | | | |
RT 1045-62 | | War, Protestant attitude (Methodist Church) - World Council, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1045-63 | | World Council of Churches - Youth, circa 1930s-1940s | |
RT 1045-64 | | Youth - Zionism, circa 1930s-1940s | |
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| | SERIES III: RT 1046, circa 1930s-1970s | |
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RT 1046-1 | | Accidents - Alcoholism, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-2 | | "America" - Anti-Catholicism, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-3 | | Anti-Catholicism - Anti-religion, circa 1930s-1950s | |
RT 1046-4 | | Anti-religion - Anti-Semitism, Jewish attitude, circa 1930s-1960s | |
RT 1046-5 | | Anti-Semitism, Protestant attitude - Athletics, circa 1930s-1960s | |
RT 1046-6 | | Atomic weapons - Awards, Catholic, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-7 | | Awards, inter-faith and inter-racial - Birth control, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-8 | | Birth control - Boy Scouts of America, circa 1940s-1950s | |
RT 1046-9 | | Brazil, Catholics - California, Protestants, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-10 | | Camps, Protestant - Catholic Church, cardinals, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-11 | | Catholic Church, eastern Catholics - Catholics, Jewish relations, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-12 | | Catholics, Protestant relations - Christian unity, circa 1930s-1960s | |
RT 1046-13 | | Christian unity - Clergy, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-14 | | Clergy - Connecticut, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-15 | | Conscientious objectors - Democracy, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1046-16 | | Communism, Catholic - Discrimination, inter-faith, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-17 | | Discrimination, Protestant - Displaced persons, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-18 | | Divorce - Education, Catholic parochial, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-19 | | Education, Catholic parochial schools (state aid for) - Education, parochial schools (state aid), circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-20 | | Education, parochial schools (state aid) - Education, religious, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-21 | | Education, religious - Education, secular (religion in), circa 1940s-1950s | |
RT 1046-22 | | Education, secular (religion in) - England, Protestants, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-23 | | Europe, post-war reconstruction - Finance, church (Protestant), circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-24 | | Finance, church (Protestant) - Georgia, Protestants, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-25 | | Georgia, Protestants - Germany, Evangelical Church, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-26 | | Germany, Protestants - Greece, Orthodox Church, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-27 | | Greece, Orthodox Church - Hospitals, Protestant, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-28 | | Housing - Illinois, Protestant, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-29 | | Illinois, Protestants - Ireland, Catholics, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-30 | | Ireland, Catholics - John XXIII, Pope, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-31 | | Jones, Lewis Webster - Latin America, Catholic, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-32 | | Lay organizations, Catholic - Legal cases, Protestant, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-33 | | Legislation - Literature, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-34 | | Literature - Maryknoll Fathers, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-35 | | Maryland - Masses, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-36 | | Masses - Military training, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-37 | | Mindszenty, Cardinal - Minnesota, Protestants, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-38 | | Missionaries, Protestant - Mississippi, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-39 | | Missouri, Catholic - National Association of Evangelicals, circa 1930s-1960s | |
RT 1046-40 | | National Catholic Conference on Family Life - National Council of Churches, circa 1930s-1960s | |
RT 1046-41 | | National Council of Churches - Negroes, Protestant, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-42 | | Negroes, Protestant - New York, Catholic, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-43 | | New York State - Neimoller, Martin, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-44 | | North Carolina - Ohio, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-45 | | Ohio, Catholics - Oxnam, Bishop G. Bromley, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-46 | | Pacem in Terrus - Paul VI, Pope, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-47 | | Paul VI, Pope - Pennsylvania, circa 1950s-1960s | |
RT 1046-48 | | Pennsylvania - Pilgrimages, Catholic, circa 1950s-1960s | |
RT 1046-49 | | Pilgrimages, Catholic - Pius XII, Pope, circa 1950s-1960s | |
RT 1046-50 | | Pius XII, Pope - Prayers, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-51 | | Prayer, Catholic - Press, secular (religion in), circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-52 | | Protestant Council of the City of New York - Protestant denominations (P.D.), Disciples of Christ, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-53 | | Religion - Science and religion, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-54 | | Selective Service - South Africa, Protestant, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-55 | | South Africa, Protestant - Statistics, Protestant, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-56 | | Stewardship - Synagogue Council of America, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-57 | | Synagogue Council of America - Texas, Protestants, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-58 | | Texas, Protestants - Union, church (Protestant), circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-59 | | Union, church (Protestant) - University of Notre Dame, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-60 | | Van Kirk, Dr. Walter W. - Washington D.C., Catholics, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-61 | | Washington D.C., Protestant - Women, Protestant, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1046-62 | | Women, Protestant - Year in Religion, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1046-63 | | Youth - Yugoslavia, religion in, circa 1940s-1960s | |
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| | SERIES IV: RT 1047, circa 1930s-1970s | |
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RT 1047-1 | | Alabama - Awards, Protestant, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1047-2 | | Baptist World Alliance - California, Protestant, circa 1930s-1960s | |
RT 1047-3 | | Canada - Catholic University of America, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1047-4 | | Catholics, Protestant relations - Church government and administration, circa 1930s-1960s | |
RT 1047-5 | | Church government and administration - Congo (Belgian), circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1047-6 | | Congress - Dialogues, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1047-7 | | Dialogues - Education, Protestant (parochial schools), circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1047-8 | | Education, religious (Sunday schools) - Excommunication, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1047-9 | | Federal Communications Commission (FCC) - Germany, Catholic, circa | |
1930s-1970s | | | |
RT 1047-10 | | Germany, Catholic – Homosexuals, circa 1950s-1970s | |
RT 1047-11 | | Hong Kong - Inter-racial relations, Catholic, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1047-12 | | Iowa - Judaism, Reform, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1047-13 | | Legislation - Masses, circa 1940s to 1960s | |
RT 1047-14 | | King, Dr. Martin Luther Jr. - Legal cases, Protestant, circa 1940-1960s | |
RT 1047-15 | | Medicine, Catholic - Missions, Protestant, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1047-16 | | Missions, Protestant - Negroes, Catholic, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1047-17 | | Negroes, Protestant - Obituaries, Catholic, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1047-18 | | Obituaries, Protestant - Pennsylvania, Inter-faith, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1047-19 | | Peyton, Patrick C. - Protestant Council of the City of New York, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1047-20 | | Protestant denominations (P.D.), Baptist (American) - Protestants, Catholic relations, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1047-21 | | Protestants, Catholic relations - Ritter, Joseph E. Cardinal, circa 1940s- | |
RT 1047-22 | | Rosary - Social welfare, Protestant, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1047-23 | | South Africa - Stuber, Stanley L., circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1047-24 | | Students - Teachers, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1047-25 | | Teachers - Theological students, Protestants, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1047-26 | | Theology, Catholic - United Nations, circa 1950s-1970s | |
RT 1047-27 | | United Nations - Women, clergy, circa 1950s-1960s | |
RT 1047-28 | | World Council of Churches Central Committee - Yugoslavia, Catholics, circa 1950s-1970s | |
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| | SERIES V: RT 1048, circa 1930s-1970s | |
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RT 1048-1 | | Abortion - Argentina, Catholics, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1048-2 | | Argentina, Catholics - Birth control, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1048-3 | | Birth control - Canada, Catholics, circa 1930s-1960s | |
RT 1048-4 | | Canada, Catholics - Christian unity, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1048-5 | | Christian unity - Cofraternity of Christian Doctrine, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1048-6 | | Congress - Dearden, John Francis Archbishop, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1048-7 | | Defense, general civil - Education, college (Protestant), circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1048-8 | | Education, Catholic (parochial schools) - England, Methodist, circa 1950s-1960s | |
RT 1048-9 | | England, Protestant - Graham, Billy, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1048-10 | | Graham, Billy - Interracial relations, circa 1950s-1970s | |
RT 1048-11 | | Inter-racial relations, Protestant - Koenig, Franz Cardinal, circa 1950s-1960s | |
RT 1048-12 | | Labor, Catholic - Massachusetts, circa 1950s-1960s | |
RT 1048-13 | | Massachusetts, Catholic - Missionaries, Protestant, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1048-14 | | Mississippi - New Jersey, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1048-15 | | New York - Ohio, circa 1960s-1970s | |
RT 1048-16 | | Ohio, Catholic - Peace, inter-faith, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1048-17 | | Pennsylvania, Catholic - Press, Protestant, circa 1960s | |
RT 1048-18 | | Press, Protestant - Protestant denominations (P.D.), Disciples of Christ, circa 1950s-1970s | |
RT 1048-19 | | Protestant denominations (P.D.), Episcopal - Real estate, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1048-20 | | Refugees - Tanganyika, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1048-21 | | Taxation, Catholic - Vatican Council, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1048-22 | | Vatican Council - West Virginia, Protestants, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1048-23 | | Washington (state) - Youth for Christ, circa 1940s-1970s | |
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| | SERIES VI: RT 1049, circa 1930s-1981 | |
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RT 1049-1 | | Abortion - Alaska, Protestants, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-2 | | Alcoholism - Arkansas, Protestant, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-3 | | Art, Catholic - Baptism, Protestant, circa 1950s-1970s | |
RT 1049-4 | | Berrigan, (Fathers) Daniel and Philip - Brazil, Protestants, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-5 | | Brown, Dr. Sterling W. - Canada, Education, circa 1960s-1981 | |
RT 1049-6 | | Canada, Inter-faith - Catholic Church, shrines, circa 1950s-1970s | |
RT 1049-7 | | Catholic Church, special observances - Celibacy, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1049-8 | | Celibacy - Children, Protestant, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-9 | | Chile - Church demonstrations and "occupations," circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-10 | | Church government and administration - Colombia, Catholics, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-11 | | Colombia, Protestants - Council of Churches (general), circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-12 | | Crime, adult - Demonstrations, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-13 | | Demonstrations - Education, Catholic (parochial schools), circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-14 | | Education, Catholic (parochial schools) - Education, secular (racial issues), circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-15 | | Education, textbooks - England, Anglican, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-16 | | England, Catholic - Finances, church (Protestant), circa 1930s-1970s | |
RT 1049-17 | | Finances, Protestant - Germany, Catholic, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-18 | | Germany, evangelical - Holand, August Cardinal, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-19 | | Holy Year - Insurance, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-20 | | International Missionary Council - Jewish-Christian relations, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-21 | | John XXIII, Pope (biography) - Lambeth Conference, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-22 | | Languages - Mackay, Dr. John A., circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-23 | | Magisterium - Methodist Federation for Social Action, circa 1930s-1970s | |
RT 1049-24 | | Michigan - Missions, Catholic, circa 1960s-1970s | |
RT 1049-25 | | Missions, Protestant - National Catholic Educational Association, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-26 | | National Catholic Resettlement Council - New Guinea, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-27 | | New Jersey, Catholic - Nixon, Richard, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-28 | | Nixon, Richard M. - Osservatore Romano, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-29 | | Our Lady of Fatima - Pennsylvania, Catholic, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-30 | | Pennsylvania, Protestant - Prayer, Catholic, circa 1940s-1981 | |
RT 1049-31 | | Prayer, Protestant - Protestant denomination (P.D.), Jehovah's Witnesses, circa 1930s-1970s | |
RT 1049-32 | | Protestant denominations (P.D.), Jehovah's Witnesses – Protestantism, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-33 | | Protestant Film Commission - Religion, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-34 | | Religious Heritage of America - Sheen, Monseigneur Fulton J., circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-35 | | Statistics, Protestant - "Silenced Priests" (suspended), circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-36 | | Sit-ins - Surveys, Catholic, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-37 | | Synod of Bishops - Texas, Protestant, circa 1950s-1981 | |
RT 1049-38 | | Thanksgiving Day - United Nations Economic, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-39 | | U.S. Bicentennial - Vietnam, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-40 | | Vietnam (1972) - Vietnam (June-December 1965), circa 1960s-1970s | |
RT 1049-41 | | Vietnam (1964-1965) - World Conference of Christian Youth, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-42 | | World Council of Churches - Youth, Protestant, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1049-43 | | Yugoslavia - Zoning, circa 1940s-1970s | |
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| | SERIES VII: RT 1050, circa 1940s-1970s | |
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RT 1050-1 | | Adam, Archbishop (Phillipovsky) - Dorotheos, Archbishop (Athens), circa | |
1940s-1970s | | | |
RT 1050-2 | | Dougherty, Dennis Cardinal - Julien, Andre Cardinal, circa 1940s-1960s | |
RT 1050-3 | | Kaczmarek, Bishop Czeslaw - Moldoban, Bishop Andrei, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1050-4 | | Mooney, Edward Cardinal - Schweitzer, Albert, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1050-5 | | Searley, Dr. Robert W. - Tittle, Ernest F., circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1050-6 | | Thant, U - Zanin, Archbishop Mario, circa 1940s-1970s | |
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| | SERIES VIII: RT 1051, circa 1930s-1982 | |
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RT 1051-1 | | Abortion - America, Catholics, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-2 | | American Bible Society - Arabs, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-3 | | Archaeology - Atomic weapons, energy and tests, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-4 | | Australia - Bibles, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-5 | | Bibles, Catholic - Business, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-6 | | Business, Protestant - Canada, United Church, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-7 | | Canon law - Catholic Hospital Association, circa 1960s-1970s | |
RT 1051-8 | | Catholic Press Association - Chile, Catholic, circa 1930s-1970s | |
RT 1051-9 | | China - Church criticisms, circa 1960s-1970s | |
RT 1051-10 | | Church and state - Clergy, general, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-11 | | Clergy, interfaith - Concordia Theological Seminary, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-12 | | Confession - Constitution (church and secular/constitutional amendments), circa 1960s-1970s | |
RT 1051-13 | | Conversions - Demonstrations, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-14 | | Discrimination - Ecumenical movement, Protestant, circa 1940s-1980 | |
RT 1051-15 | | Education, Catholic - Education, parochial schools (state aid), circa 1930s-1970s | |
RT 1051-16 | | Education, Protestant (parochial) - Endrst, Jeff, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-18 | | Evangelism - Fleming, Dr. Arthur S., circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-19 | | Floods - Georgia, Protestant, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-20 | | Georgetown University - Greece, Orthodox, circa 1930s-1970s | |
RT 1051-21 | | Greece, Protestant – Homosexuals, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-22 | | Homosexuals - Hymns and hymnals, circa 1950s-1970s | |
RT 1051-23 | | Illinois - Interfaith cooperation, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-24 | | Interfaith cooperation, Protestant attitude - Israel, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-25 | | Israel - "Jesus People" or "Jesus Movement," circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-26 | | Jewish and Christian Relations - Knights of Columbus, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-27 | | Korea - Lent, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-28 | | Libel and slander - Massachusetts, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-29 | | Massachusetts - Mexico, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-30 | | Mexico (Mexican-Americans) and American Relations - Minnesota, Protestant, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-31 | | Mississippi - National Association of Evangelicals, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-32 | | National Catholic Education Association - Nazism, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-33 | | Nazism, Protestant attitude - New Jersey, Jews, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-34 | | New Jersey, Protestant - New York, Protestant, circa 1960s-1970s | |
RT 1051-35 | | New York, Protestant - Obituaries, general, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-36 | | Obituaries, Orthodox – Panama, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-37 | | Papacy - Pennsylvania, Catholic, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-38 | | Pennsylvania, Protestant - Portugal, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-39 | | Portugal, Catholic - Prisons, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-40 | | Prisons, Catholic - Protestant Denominations (P.D.), Congregational Christian Church, circa 1930s-1970s | |
RT 1051-41 | | Protestant Denominations (P.D.), Disciples of Christ - Protestant Denominations (P.D.), Presbyterian Church in the United States, circa 1970s | |
RT 1051-42 | | Protestant Denominations (P.D.), Quakers - Psychiatry, Catholic, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-43 | | Psychiatry, Protestant - Relief, Catholic, circa 1940s-1981 | |
RT 1051-44 | | Relief, interfaith - Riots, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-45 | | Rockefeller, Governor Nelson A. - Scotland, Protestant, circa 1930s-1970s | |
RT 1051-46 | | Secularism - South Africa, Catholics, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-47 | | South Africa, Namibia - Strikes, Protestant attitude, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-48 | | Stringfellow, William - Tanaka, Tammy, circa 1940s-1982 | |
RT 1051-49 | | Taxation, Protestant - Theology and theologians, Protestant, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-50 | | Tobin, Charles J. - Union church, Protestant, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-51 | | Union church, Protestant (Lutherans) - Washington D.C., Jews, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-52 | | Washington D.C., Protestant - Women: Equal Rights Amendment, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1051-53 | | Women's liberation - Year in Religion, circa 1940s-1970s | |
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| | SERIES IX: RT 1052, circa 1930s-1983 | |
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RT 1052-1 | | Abbies - American Legion, circa 1940s-1981 | |
RT 1052-2 | | American Lutheran Conference - Bibletone Records, circa 1940s-1980 | |
RT 1052-3 | | Big Four Conference - Catholic Church, special observances, circa 1940s-1981 | |
RT 1052-4 | | Catholic Committee of the South - Church and state, Orthodox, circa 1930s-1980 | |
RT 1052-5 | | Church Committee for Relief in Asia - Committee on Friendly Relations Among Foreign Students, circa 1940s-1981 | |
RT 1052-6 | | Communications (Media) - Death, circa 1940s-1982 | |
RT 1052-7 | | Defense, Civilian Salvage - Elliott, Phillip P., circa 1930s-1981 | |
RT 1052-8 | | England - Federal Communications Commission, Orthodox, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1052-9 | | Fellowships, Catholic - Good-will movement, Protestants, circa 1940s-1981 | |
RT 1052-10 | | Government, Catholic relations - International Christian Leadership, circa 1940s-1982 | |
RT 1052-11 | | International Church Relations - Jocists, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1052-12 | | John Paul II - Metropolitan Church Federation of Greater St. Louis, circa 1930s-1981 | |
RT 1052-13 | | Mexico, missions - National Laywomen's Retreat Movement, circa 1940s-1982 | |
RT 1052-14 | | National Lutheran Educational Conference - Pennsylvania, Protestants, circa 1930s-1983 | |
RT 1052-15 | | People's Business Commission - Russia, sphere of influence, circa 1940s-1981 | |
RT 1052-16 | | Sabbath Recorder - Trading with the Enemy Act, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1052-17 | | Tuition and tax credits - United States territories and dependencies, circa 1940s-1982 | |
RT 1052-18 | | University of Minnesota - Washington pilgrimage, circa 1940s-1970s | |
RT 1052-19 | | Willebrands, Johannes (Cardinal) - Zoot Suit Riots, circa 1940s-1981 | |